Comedian of the Week: Sam Morril

jon desjardins
2 min readApr 17, 2020

Sam Morril is a master of Observational Humor and Hyperbole.

In his latest special “I Got This,” Sam Morril talks about the dysfunction of society and being a guy who upholds to the way things should be. He does this in a matter-of-fact, monotone cadence to assure his listeners he isn’t judging anybody and proves this by making himself a part of the joke. What makes him easy to listen to is his feigned sense of resignation, much like a “listen you guys, this is what I’m going to talk about, do what you want with this information.” With this in mind, he skews towards dark or touchy subjects (who doesn’t love controversy?) adding sharp, brilliant quips about them and how ridiculous most things are.

Overall, his jokes are solid and consistently hit their mark. He comes off as a real human being, admitting flaws, talking about life, and trying to do his part in the world by not being a part of the problem.

I found the whole special to be top-notch but here are a few of my favorite subjects he touches on:

  • Consent
  • Overhearing a Breakup
  • Relationship Education
  • Intelligent Women
  • Getting Roofied
  • News Problems
  • Cheesy Airplane Pilots

You can view his special “I Got This” on YouTube.

For more information about Sam and his comedic endeavors, check out his website. His twitter handle is @sammorril

